Welcome message
Dear students
Welcome to the module of SSC 3125:Internship I,
This module is delivered to year 3 students in the BSc. Soil Sciences Program at University of Rwanda College of Agriculture Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.
The overall objective of the internship in soil sciences program is to provide students with an opportunity to gain professional experience through an off-campus training program. It will also assist students in evaluating their own career objectives and to provide co-operators with an opportunity to evaluate the employment potential of the student intern.
This is a core module taken in the second trimester of fourth year of the BSc Soil Sciences. This module covers a training period of 1 month at a workplace, other than one of the educational institutes where the student goes for hands-on practices and experience things in real work situations. The workplace is domain related to the educational program of the student. The aim of this module is to help the student to further develop knowledge and competences, skills and attitudes that are important in the field Soil Sciences etc.) through confrontation of the already acquired knowledge, understanding and skills with a primary work experience in his/her area of work.
Learning outcomes:
Having successfully completed this module, students should be able to:
- Masters the skills and has acquired the problem-solving capacity to analyse problems of soil ;
- Identify and apply appropriate research methods and techniques to design, plan and execute targeted experiments or simulations independently and critically evaluate and interpret the collected data;
- Write scientific reports on and present it to different audiences;
- Work industriously and diligently with (out) little supervision in a possibly short time.
Module Team:
Prof Naramabuye FX
Dr Hamudu Rukangantambara
Dr Bazimenyera Jean de Dieu
Gatesi Julienne
Nsanzimana Oreste
welcome message
Dear students, welcome to the module of SSC 3124: Applied Statistics. It is a module delivered to year 3 students in the BSc. Soil Sciences Program at University of Rwanda College of Agriculture Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.
Brief description of aims and content
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
Various qualitative and quantitative methods in research
How to compute, evaluate and analyze qualitative and quantitative data
Application of scientific research methods and techniques in dealing with modern business issues, soil and agricultural sciences
Training students in the art of conceptualization of research problems,
Collection and analysis of data and writing of reports with a focus on problem oriented business research in Rwanda
This module also introduces the techniques of conducting research thought, being equipped with mechanisms of data collection, analysis, presentation, writing and reporting. Techniques which are both qualitative and quantitative in nature are vital if results presented are to be evaluated.
Learning Outcomes
i) Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:
- Solve soil problems using various statistical formulas and probability theories
- Solve social problems using various statistical formulas and probability theories
- Apply different formulas in solving decision making related social problems.
- Apply different formulas in solving decision making related soil sciences problems
v. Define research problem and formulate research questions and hypothesis
vi. By the end of the module students should be also able to apply research methodology and undertake empirical research proposal that will be part of the requirement for the completion of the Bachelors' degree.
Indicative Content
Statistics and probability
Chapter1: Introduction to statistics and quantitative methods
Chapter 2: descriptive statistics
Chapter 3: Probability: Basic Terminology, three types of probability, Rules of probability under conditions of statistical independence and dependence
Chapter 4: Probability distribution: Random variables, expected value in decision making, binomial
Chapter 5: Sampling and sampling distributions
Chapter 6: estimation and hypothesis testing.
Introduction to research methodology
Chap 1: Introduction
Chap 2: Defining the Research Problem
Chap 3: Research Design
Chap 4: Sampling Design
Chap5: Methods of Data Collection
Chap 6: Presentation and Analysis of Data and Interpretation and Report Writing
Learning and Teaching Strategy
After each theory presented, complete examples and exercises will be given
- The students will solve exercises at the end of each chapter in group works and the lecturer will be supervising them
- Many exercises on all units seen will be solved by the students as assignments and those exercises will be marked. A final exam will be scheduled and it will concern all units
Strategy for feedback and student support during module
- interactions between teacher and students
- Hopping to get responses from students
Teaching team
Dr. BAZIMENYERA Jean de Dieu, 0785375898, bazidieu@gmail.com
NSANZIMANA Oreste, 0788664238, nsanzi2001@yahoo.fr
Introduction to the watershed course is designed to enable students to understand and explain all aspects of watershed and management , by analyzing the status of watershed functions for sustainable distribution of its resources and the process of creating and implementing plans, programs, and projects that affects the plant, animal, and human . The module has two components: integrated watershed management and soil conservation
This module has three components:
GIS, Remote Sensing and Engineering Drawing
Welcome message
Dear students,
welcome to the module of SSC 3122: Land Survey and Management. This This is a module taken in the first trimester of year three of the BSc in soil sciences. This module has the following 3 components: Land use planning and Management, Topography & Cartography
Brief description of aims and content
Aim: This module will help the students to acquire knowledge needed to land management
Content: Land use planning and Management, Topography & Cartography
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding
Students will understand principles of land use and its principles to classify
Students will be able to interactive effects of land degradation du to inappropriate land use
Communication/ICT/Numeracy/Analytic Techniques/Practical Skills
Students will be able to measure, record, analyse and interpret erosion factors, natural and anthropogenic, in order to assess resources depletion/degradation in order to plan proper land use and soil erosion control
General transferable skills
Students will be able to diagnose soil erosion processes, assess impacts, design and implement appropriate soil and water conservation measures. They will also be capable of evaluating effectiveness of soil conservation measures applied
- Provision of reading materials and
- Assignments to the students in small group
Indicative resources
- BOUDEVILLES , J., " L’aménagement du territoire" in Encyclopédie Universalis, Paris, 1992, pp. 47-55
- TRIBILLON, J-F., Villes africaines, Nouveau manuel d’Aménagement foncier, Ed. Adef, Paris, 1992.
- Population Reference Bureau, Fiche des données sur la population mondiale, New-York, 2004.
- Ministère de l’Environnement, Différents rapports de séminaires sur l’environnement
- GAPUSI, J., Analyse et identification des stratégies pour la protection de la Biodiversité dans la forêt de Nyungwe, étude de consultance inédite, Butare, 1999.
- UNESCO., " Concepts de base de l’éducation environnementale"in Connexion, Bulletin relative à l’environnement UNESCO-PNUE, Vol. XV, n°2, Juin 1990.
- MINECOFIN., Données du 3e RGPH, Synthèse des analyses des données sur l’ Habitat et son Environnement, Kigali, 2005
- BRUNEL, S., L’Afrique, un continent en réserve du développement, éd. Bréal, Paris, 2004
- MALDAGUE, M et MATUKA K., Actes du séminaire sur l’Environnement et le Développement durable, Brazzaville, 1989.
- GRATALOUP, A-M.G., Précis de Géographie, éd. Nathan, Paris, 1995.
- PINCHEMEL, G., La face de la terre, 5e édition, A. Colin, Paris, 1997.
- SERVEN, P et al., La Géographie du Rwanda, édition de Boeck, Bruxelles, 1974.
- Dictionnaire le Petit ROBERT, Paris, 1993.
- Ministère de l’Environnement, Agenda 21 National, Kigali, 1993
- ANDRÉ, P., L’évaluation des impacts sur l’environnement, Processus, acteurs et pratique pour un développement durable, 2e édition, Presse International, Québec, 2003.
- ELAME, E., Géographie du développement durable, Ed. Economica, Paris, 2002
- BRUNEL, S., Le développement durable, Collection Que sais-je ? éd, PUF, Paris, 2005
- VANSINA, J., Le Rwanda ancien, le royaume nyiginya, éd. Karthala, Paris, 2001
Lecturers contact
Dr. BAZIMENYERA Jean de Dieu, 0785375898
Nsanzumuhire Frodouald, 0784090305
Habimana Aloys, 0788468284
This module will help the students to acquire knowledge needed to land management, Land use planning and Management, Topography & Cartography