Course image FST4221: Industrial Attachment
Trimester 2

Welcome to the module of FST4221 Industrial Attachment,

This is a core module taken in the first trimester of fourth year of the BSc Food Science and Technology. This module covers a training period of 8-9 weeks (2 months) at a workplace, other than one of the educational institutes where the student goes for hands-on practices and experience things in real work situations. The workplace is domain related to the educational program of the student. The aim of this module is to help the student to further develop knowledge and competences, skills and attitudes that are important in the field of Food Science and Technology (Food analysis and instrumentations, food microbiology, food processing, food quality and Hygiene, and Human nutrition and health etc.) through confrontation of the already acquired knowledge, understanding and skills with a primary work experience in his/her area of work.

Learning outcomes: Having successfully completed this module, students should be able to:

  • Masters the skills and has acquired the problem-solving capacity to analyse problems of food analysis, quality and safety management, along the food supply chain;
  • Identify and apply appropriate research methods and techniques to design, plan and execute targeted experiments or simulations independently and critically evaluate and interpret the collected data;
  • Write scientific reports on and present it to different audiences;
  • Work industriously and diligently with (out) little supervision in a possibly short time.
Course image FST4222: Research Project
Trimester 2

The present module gives an opportunity to students of applying knowledge and skills acquired in their academic program to contribution to finding a solution of an emerging problem in the field of Food Science and Technology through research, as well on different methods of finding dissemination, such as scientific reporting, publication, and public presentation.