Course image CLL1143: Leading Assessment

The purpose of this module is to improve your leading assessment competence with a focus on REB leading teaching standards to support teachers undertaking, practising and collecting evidence on student learning performance to drive instruction.

Module 3 will enable you to regularly practice REB leading teaching competencies with a focus on leading teachers to improve their formative assessment skills.  It will also enable your assessment about sharing data on learners’ performance with school educational partners such as SGAC. Each Unit will ask you to focus on your leadership practice and make a reflection on your leading assessment for learning as you complete the assigned tasks. 

Course image CLL1142: Leading Continuous Professional Development

Welcome to Module 2 – Leading Continuous Professional development!

 Like Module 1, Module 2 will prepare and facilitate you to improve your leading learning knowledge, skills and competences through workplace-based, practical activities designed to take you step-by-step towards continuous improvement of your professional practice as a school leader.

All of the units of this module facilitate you to reflect, review and share experience on leading teacher continuous professional development (CPD). This will improve your skills, build confidence and bring positive change for learning improvement.  

The suggested reading materials/ resources and tasks will help you achieve the module objectives.

Course image CLL1141: Leading School Improvement Planning

As school leaders, you have already developed quality strategic and operational School Improvement Plan (SIP). This module is designed to help you reflect on their implementation and monitoring for learning improvement change at your school. The course will develop and improve your leadership skills through practice. Module units facilitate you to improveyour skills, build confidence and trust among your staff to support you to lead your school for positive change for learning improvement. 

This is a workplace-based learning. The suggested reading materials, resources and tasks will help you achieve the module objectives thereby improving learning at your school.