Course image ISY3261: System Modeling and Simulation
Semester I

The module will provide students with the necessary skills to formulate conceptual models of systems and to transform these conceptual models into efficient simulation software. Students will learn the basic underlying principles behind continuous and discrete simulation models, and develop a conceptual and practical understanding of data structures, algorithms, techniques, and best practices concerning the development of both, the domain-specific simulation model as well as the underlying domain-independent simulation engine and framework

Course image ISY3163: Multimedia Technologies
Semester I

Multimedia Technologies explores the dynamic intersection of various digital media forms, including graphics, audio, video, animation, and interactive elements. This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of multimedia principles, tools, and applications, preparing them for careers in fields such as digital media production, graphic design, animation and  web development.

Semester I

Operating systems are an essential part of any computer system. Similarly, a course on operating systems is an essential part of any computer science education. The fundamental concepts and algorithms covered during the delivery of this module are often based on those used in both commercial and open-source operating systems.
Our aim is to present these concepts and algorithms in a general setting that is not tied to one particular operating system.
The text to use is organized in eight major parts:
Chapters 1 and 2 explain what operating systems are, what they do, and how they are designed and constructed.
Chapters 3 through 7 describe the process concept and concurrency as the heart of modern operating systems.
Chapters 8 and 9 deal with the management of main memory during the execution of a process.
Chapters 10 through 13 describe how mass storage, the file system, and I/O are handled in a modern computer system.
Chapters 14 and 15 discuss the mechanisms necessary for the protection and security of computer systems.
Chapters 16 and 17 discuss virtual machines and distributed systems.

Course image ISY3161: Computer and Network Security
Semester I

This course introduces students to concepts of security in computing. Security continually attracts attention from business managers and technology manager alike. Information has value and in the modern era of data communications & networks, potential exposure and loss are critical business considerations. As businesses become vigilant for security threats and breaches, managers will need an enhanced understanding of the kinds of tools( hardware & software) available to make their information, computers & networks less vulnerable. This course will examine the kinds of security practices and devices you can implement to guard against unauthorized access and information loss.