Courses to be removed (deleted)

Course image EDI6242: Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Cleanable courses

The module aims at enabling the students to understand and critique measurement and evaluation, describe the principles, methods and techniques of different roles of measurement and evaluation and the contemporary practices in evaluation in light of current research and professional experience. It also aims at enabling students to apply, pass and interpret the different theories of measurement and evaluation.

Course image Traitement et utilisation du langage dans l'enseignement
Cleanable courses

Bienvenu(e)s chers étudiants, chères étudiantes !

Le nouveau module auquel vous êtes invité(e)s a pour code: MLF 6241 et  s’intitule Traitement et utilisation du langage dans l’enseignement.


L’objectif de ce module est de vous  permettre de mener des recherches, de discuter et de proposer des solutions à des problèmes relatifs à l’aménagement linguistique, à la relation entre la langue et la pensée qui ont un impact sur l'apprentissage et l’enseignement des langues en général et du français en particulier.


Course image LTHE 502: Curriculum Design and Development
Cleanable courses

This module aims to enable students to plan, deliver and appraise higher education courses in a professional manner. It will acquaint academic staff with knowledge and skills in planning, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating the curricula in higher education.

Course image Educational Leadership and Management
Cleanable courses

There is the widespread belief that the quality of leadership makes a significant difference to school and student outcomes. There is also increasing recognition that effective school leaders and managers have to be developed if they are to provide the best possible education for their learners. The school leadership has an important responsibility of creating a conductive environment of learning in their schools. Without the necessary knowledge and skills management of the schools becomes a very challenging task. Knowledge and skills required by school principals to perform their duties effectively. To be added that Effective school leadership is essential to improve the efficiency and equity of schooling.

Course image Foundations of Education
Cleanable courses

The module aims to give to the students an intellectual luggage in Comparative Education as a study of Education systems. It provides information on sociology Education, Economics of Education, History of Education and Administration of Education. The module, on the other hand intends to initiate students to qualitative and quantitative research in the stated areas.

Cleanable courses

This module is intended to give fundamental and general knowledge,equipment and skills for level 1 students, preparing them to fulfill their later functions in their teaching career or elsewhere where applicable. it contains themes that a teacher is supposed to know outside the specific qualifications each will have for teaching specific subjects. that is why it is a crosscutting module that all year 1 students must pass through.

Course image PGDE 607: ICT integration in education
Cleanable courses

ICT integration in  education is focusing on:

-    To Explain the evolution of various educational media 
-    To differentiate the modern system of imparting knowledge to the learner from the stone-age system, through the use of instructional technology. 
-    To illustrate the role, components, types, objectives of communication
-    Develop the competencies in ICT integration in education
-    To understand the concept of e-learning, e-learning technologies and learning management systems.

Course image PGDE 608: Teaching methods_Social Sciences
Cleanable courses

Learning Outcomes

1.Demonstrate a good understanding of the relationship between education, pedagogy, didactics, teaching and learning; 
2.Demonstrate a good understanding of the foundations for quality teaching and learning social sciences and be able to apply them to social sciences;

3. Demonstrate a good understanding of the Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) as the current philosophical approach to teaching and learning;

4. Planning for quality teaching and learning;

5. Reflecting on quality teaching and learning;

6. Apply different teaching strategies (direct instruction, discussion, small-groups, co-operative learning, problem solving, role play, case study, etc);

7. Understanding and applying specific teaching methods of social sciences as well as using resource materials in this area

Course image Principles and methods of Teaching - Abstract Folder
Cleanable courses
This module contains the following units: Concepts and approaches of conventional pedagogy and learner-centered pedagogy, teaching-learning principles, teaching-learning methods, criteria for selecting teaching-learning methods, levels of teaching processes, categories of educational taxonomies, general, specific and operational objectives in the teaching-learning process, scheme of work and lesson plan.