Course image ENT3141: Research methods in entrepreneurship
Trimester 1

This module aims to equip students with the basic knowledge about Research Methods in Entrepreneurship. This module will consist of Generalities on research and characteristics of good research, classification of research and processes, Research methodology and report.

Course image PEE3141 : Community Theatre For Development
Trimester 1

Community Theatre For development is a kind of participatory theatre that encourages improvisation and allows audience members to take roles in the performance or it can be fully scripted and staged, with the audience simply observing. Many productions are a blend of the two. The Theatre of the Oppressed, an influential collection of theatrical forms developed by Augusto Boal (Brazilian) in the 1970s, is a central theatrical part of community theatre for development as it aims to create dialogue and interaction between audience and performer as a means of promoting social and political change. Contending that it has the potential to build developmental consciousness among community members around social issues affecting them, Community theatre provides a believable and interesting way to explore cultural, socio-economic, and developmental realities thereby changing the way people think, entertain, socialize and act. Community theatre also serves as a platform for diverse cultural expression. It brings stories from different backgrounds, traditions, and perspectives to the forefront, offering audiences a rich couple of narratives they might not encounter elsewhere. Simply, this module “PEE3141” is to equip undergraduate students with couple of knowledge, skills and techniques to engage the audience, survey a significant relevance of community theatre for development, design and act the authentic theatrical performance and presentation in outdoor spaces without a specific paying audience, as well as exploring the potentials of Community theatre as a tool for Social -economic change.

Course image PAE1141 : Introduction to Drama, Dance and Music
Trimester 1

Performing Arts Program aims at transforming students into versatile, self-directed performing Arts professionals of the 21st century to ensure the continuity and innovation in the performing arts through creation, performance, and appreciation of exceptional works, to equip students with knowledge and skills as well as the conceptual, critical and creative perspectives necessary for a competent teacher  teach Music , Dance and Drama  in secondary schools  This module (PAE1141) aims at giving the student an introductory conceptualization and appreciation of theatrical forms, music, and Rwandan traditional dance. It focuses on identifying different types of music, dance, and drama forms; practicing acquired skills in dance movement, singing and performing theatre; analyzing and interpreting symbols and gesture in Rwandan dance, music and drama forms.

Having successfully completed the module, participants  will be able to:

  • Explain and differentiate key concepts of Music, Dance and Drama
  • Discuss the origin of Drama in Rwanda , Africa and western communities
  • Practice basic music notes to play  guitar and Piano
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of different types of Rwandan Drama, Music, and Dance, various forms and key elements of Drama, Music, and Dance.
  • Analyze critically the various traditional forms of Drama, Music, and Dance in Rwandan , African and western societies
  • Appreciate the relevance of Performing Arts to the Community
  • Express mastery of performance skills and techniques of Drama, Music, and Dance to act roles for live audience.

                                            Welcome All !

Course image SWA3142: Maana na Matumizi ya Lugha
Trimester 1

Moduli hii ya SWA3142 inazingatia vitengo mbalimbali vinavyojihusisha na uwezo wa kuifinyanga lugha pamoja na kuitumia vilivyo katika miktadha mbalimbali. Vitengo hivyo ni pamoja na leskikolojia, leskikografia, istilahia, semantiki, pragmatiki na utungaji kamusi. Ili mwanafunzi afuatilie moduli hii anapaswa kupitia katika moduli zingine ambazo humpa mwanga kuhusu dhana mbalimbali za kiisimu na namna zinapofanya kazi, mofolojia pamoja na sintaksia. Lengo kuu la moduli ni kumsaidia mwanafunzi katika mchakato wa kuweka matendoni zile dhana na nadharia zote kimatumizi na kimaandishi.

Course image SWA3141: Isimujamii katika Elimu
Trimester 1

Moduli hii inazingatia mambo muhimu ya isimujamii yanayoingiliana na kukamilishana na elimu ya lugha. Dhumuni la kozi ni kudadisi na kueleza uhusiano uliopo baina ya lugha na jamii. Somo hulenga hali mbalimbali za kijamii na jinsi zinavyoathiri matumizi ya lugha katika miktadha mbalimbali ya kijamii. Aidha, kozi itamuezesha mwanafunzi kudhibiti mbinu na ujuzi wa mawasiliano mwa watu mbalimbali kwa kuzingatia kaida za lugha husika. Itasaidia pia mwanafunzi kuhusisha mambo ya  kiisimujamii katika maisha yake ya kielimu na kutambua kwa kiasi gani isimujamii huwa na uhusiano wa karibu na  taaluma nyinginezo.

Course image GEO3142: Quantitative Techniques and Research Methods in Geography
Trimester 1

Welcome to this module
Dear students, welcome to this module GEO 3142 Research Methods in Geography, which is accessible online for students registered in CODEL programme.
Module’s aim
The aim of this module is to provide students with a solid understanding of the often bewildering array of research methods and techniques that are used to collect data and conduct analysis in order to address research questions and prove or disprove hypotheses. It also aims to equip students with skills in methods and techniques around data generation and processing, research and instrument design, evaluation and inference drawing, and reporting system.
Intended learning outcomes
By the end of the module, students should be able to:
• Select an appropriate technique for a given research design or type of research question
• Understand the distinctions between primary and secondary data, extensive and intensive research designs, qualitative and quantitative data and analysis, positionality and the ethics of research.
• Understand the issues of rigour and validity in the research process.
• Undertake collection and analysis of different types of data, including numeric and textual data, or understand the principles and practices behind data collection and analysis.
• Develop transferable skills, particularly in critical thinking and the synthesis of ideas, written and oral communication, participation in small-group discussions, problem-solving, information literacy, numeracy, self-management and time-management.
• Introduce to Action Research.
• Improve Academic Writing skills.
Course summary
Identification of a research problem, formulation of a research topic, literature search, research approach and research design. Methods and techniques of data collection, data analysis, processing and interpretation, regression equation and correlation, combination analysis and probability, samples and theories of sampling and estimation, significance tests. Data analysis and interpretation, research ethics and writing presentation of scientific research reports.

Facilitators' contacts

The module will be facilitated by the following two lecturers:
- Dr. Aime Tsinda Tel 0788305960
- Dr Celestin Kayonga Tel 0784657733
Learning resources
This module will be the main learning resources, but you will also have to consult the references given below.

Reading advice

The reading specified for this module is unlike that for any other course that you might study. It has been deliberately restricted to a handful of key texts. There will be many fewer than usual references to specific journal articles or books. However, the emphasis is on methods here and it is anticipated that you will be learning by doing most of the time, although this will inevitably involve reference to and reading the key texts.
Internet sources are invaluable in providing, often official, information for geographers to use. Again from time to time you will be referred to some representative sites to access data or other information. If you search out your own sites and sources (which you are encouraged to do) always be aware that there is little quality control on the information publicly available on the internet. It is always worth asking questions about quality of data provided and motives for providing them. The following databases are accessible on URCE desktops.

Course image GEO3141: Regional Planning and Development
Trimester 1

Dear students, welcome to this module GEO 3141 Regional Planning and Development, which is accessible online for students registered in CODEL programme.

Module’s aim

This module aims to equip students with the basic knowledge about regional planning in the context of sustainable development. The module tries to find out why regional planning is necessary, who is involved in the process of land and developmental geography, what is meant by sustainable development, and how to analyse change in the built and natural environments.
Intended learning outcomes
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:

1. Define the fundamental concepts of regional planning and development
2. Explain approaches of regional planning and development at different spatial scales
3. Explain the theories and models of regional planning and development
4. Understand key issues and solutions of regional planning for sustainable development with the focus on housing, transport, natural resources management, etc.).

Course summary
Approaches of regional planning at different spatial scales, theories and models of regional planning, regional planning for sustainable development (housing, transport, natural resources management, green projects, etc.), case studies of regional planning in developed and developing countries, theories of the development, indicators of the development, obstacles to the development and their solutions.

Facilitators' contacts

The module will be facilitated by the following six lecturers:
- Dr. Aime Tsinda:; Tel 0788305960
- Dr Celestin Kayonga:; Tel 0784657733

Learning resources

This module will be the main learning resources, but you will also have to consult the references given at the end of the module.
You are kindly requested to read all indicated resources in order to meet outcomes specified at the welcoming page of this module.

Course image FRA3142: Stylistique française et création littéraire
Trimester 1

 Ce module vise à entraîner les étudiants aux méthodes et techniques d'analyse stylistique des textes littéraires. Il vise également à les initier, par des exercices pratiques, aux techniques d'écriture de textes littéraires de différents genres.

Course image FRA3141:Lecture de Textes en classe de FLE
Trimester 1

Ce module vise à faire acquérir aux étudiants des compétences de compréhension de la nécessité et de l’utilité d’enseigner le FLE en tenant compte des besoins des apprenants mais aussi des contraintes inhérentes à la mission du Collège de l’Education. Il vise également à décrire les notions de base de litterature de jeunesse et de Litterature feminine et à les appliquer dans l’enseignement du FLE. Enfin il permet aux étudiants de developper les habilites linguistiques generales et les possibilites de litterature comme element innovateur en education dans l'enseignement du FLE.


Course image ENT3142: AUDITING
Trimester 1

Economic decisions in every society must be based upon the information available at the time the decision is made. If decisions are to be consistent with the intention of the decision makers, the information used in the decision process must be reliable. Unreliable information can cause inefficient use of resources to the detriment of the society and to the decision makers themselves.

As society become more complex, there is an increased likelihood that unreliable information will be provided to decision makers. As a means of overcoming the problem of unreliable information, the decision-maker must develop a method of assuring him that the information is sufficiently reliable for these decisions. In doing this he must weigh the cost of obtaining more reliable information against the expected benefits. A common way to obtain such reliable information is to have some type of verification (audit) performed by independent persons. The audited information is then used in the decision making process on the assumption that it is reasonably complete, accurate and unbiased.

This module will provide students with an understanding of auditing concepts and International Standards in Auditing (ISAs)

Course image ENG3142: Meaning and language use
Trimester 1

This module aims at enabling students to explain the place of semantics and pragmatics in linguistic theory and apply the notions of semantics, pragmatics to the teaching of English as a foreign language, to translate texts from one language into another with reference to English. Students will also be enabled to analyze linguistic problems faced by multilingual learners and communication between people of different cultural backgrounds.


Course image ECO3142: Research Methods in Economics
Trimester 1

 This Module describes  the meaning of scientific research, the steps undertaken in the research process as well as the the Methods and techniques that used to carry out a scientific research in Economics fields.

It mainly aims at providing  a deep knowledge and understanding of the research process, analytical skills related to qualitative and quantitative data in Economics.

The module will be delivered main through the on-line learning where every individual student is required to actively participate in various activities that are on this Moodle platform. The forum activities will help the learners to share views and feedback about some elements related to the course. The Quiz will help to assess the level of knowledge and understanding.

Module team

1. Dr André MUHIRWA Phone: 0788527318 e-mail:

2. Mr Mahsen NYIRISHEMA Phone: 0788833877 e-mail: