Welcome to EDP 3141: Educational Research Methods. The central objective of this module is to introduce you to essential concepts and skills in educational research methods and practice. The module is designed to assist undergraduate students at the University of Rwanda-College of Education to acquire knowledge, skills and the level of proficiency necessary for one to design and execute research in education.
Module Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
1. Explain the concept and process of research
2. Identify a researchable problem in education
3. Conduct a thorough review of the existing literature
4. Conduct research using different designs including action research
5. Choose population & draw a representative sample
6. Develop different data collection instruments
7. Collect data, analyze them, interpret the findings and write a report
8. Respect ethical norms related to research.
9. Appreciate the role of research in solving educational issues.
Module Facilitators: Dr. Philothère Ntawiha
Prof. Wenceslas Nzabalirwa
Dr. Dan Imaniriho
Dr. Sylvestre Nzahabwanayo