Course image ECI6241 Integration of ICT in Teaching and Learning
Semester 1

Using technology provides many opportunities to enable learning but also it brings with it expectations for a new role for teachers and for learners. Why is that important? Teachers need two skills beyond their subject knowledge:

1)          ICT skills and comfort with technology tools, and

2)          Pedagogical practice aligned with meaningful student-centred learning.

This module integrates these two components together and this dynamism must be reflected in the planning, conduct and validation of your teaching and learning practice. This module is not designed for programmers or IT-specialists, but it is intended for you and for any student teacher/educator who has some basic knowledge of digital environments and who is interested in engaging or engaging learners in learning with ICT.

Course image ECI6145: Theories of Teaching and Learning
Semester 1

This module aims at equipping students with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values related to learning and teaching theories and their application in the classroom context focusing on competency-based learning and learner centered pedagogy. Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, multiple intelligences and brain-based learning will be explored.

Course image ECI6143: Curriculum Design, Implementation and Evaluation
Semester 1

There have been new trends and changes in education globally, regionally and nationally. Curricula have been reviewed and changed to meet contemporary society needs. The module of Curriculum Design, Implementation and Evaluation provides you with opportunities to understand and critique theories, foundations and models that inform curriculum development process. The module particularly engaged you in critically analysing, individually or wit peers, contemporary educational practices, issues and challenges in relation to curriculum design, implementation and evaluation at global, regional and national levels. With acquired knowledge, skills and values you will be able to work out practical models for curriculum design, implementation and evaluation in Rwandan context.