Department of Applied Statistics (Phasing out)

I welcome you all to the module of Survival Analysis. The aim of this module is to introduce applied mathematics, especially statistical techniques, for the analysis of survival time data from medical experiments wherever patients are subjected to treatment. The emphasis will be on the practical aspects of analyzing survival data and the interpretation of survival models. This module will be taught by Mr. HATEGEKIMANA Nathanael and Dr. Lawal Fatai, and the participation of students is essential to achieving these expected learning outcomes as outlined below.

As learning outcomes concerned, on successful completion of this subject, a student will be able to:

  1. apply the survival models to the analysis of duration data, insurance, and other financial risks;

  2. evaluate and interpret of survival models;

  3. application of statistical packages (SPSS, Stata, R) to the analysis of survival data.

In addition, the detailed description of the module including mode of assessment and references can be found in the module handbook here attached.