Course image PHY3161 Atomic and Molecular Physics
Trim 1

Atomic and Molecular Physics is a course designed as a continuation of quantum mechanics. It covers the basics to understand the table of chemical elements and the physical properties
of the atoms. It covers hydrogen atom, Zeeman effect, Hybperfine structure and more on H atom. Then the atoms with more than one electron, say Li atoms and others are studied
where the approximation Models are utilised to solve the complicated Schrodinger equation, for which the potential energy is more complicated to describe. Then the emission and absorption
is studied, consequently X-rays are also studied. Then molecular physics follows where theĀ  diatomic molecules are covered and the applications to different techniques mainly spectroscopy:
Infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation and others such as electron spectroscopy.