Welcome to ELM/EMC 6141: Educational Research Methods. This module is designed to assist postgraduate students at the University of Rwanda-College of Education to acquire knowledge, skills and the level of proficiency necessary for them to design and execute research in education. Hence, the central objective of this module is to introduce you to essential concepts and skills in educational research methods and practice.
Module learning outcomes
By the end of this module, students should be able to:
- Explain the concept and process of research
- Identify a researchable problem in their areas of specialization
- Conduct a thorough review of the existing literature related to their research problem
- Conduct research using appropriate approaches and designs
- Choose population & draw a representative sample
- Develop different data collection instruments
- Test the reliability and validity of the research instruments
- Collect data, analyze them, interpret the findings and write a report
- Respect ethical norms related to research.
- Appreciate the role of research in solving educational issues.
Module Facilitators:
- Assoc. Prof. Wenceslas Nzabalirwa
School of Education,
Email: wenceslasn@yahoo.fr
- Dr. Philothere Ntawiha
School of Education,
Email: ntaphilos@gmail.com
This module is a guide to collaborative strategies and activities that promote effective instructional leadership. Through this module, postgraduate students acquire knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for them to set clear school goals, manage curriculum, monitor lesson plans, allocate resources and evaluate teachers regularly to promote student learning and growth.
Module learning outcomes
By the end of this module, students should be able to:
- Explain the various instructional strategies that can encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the methods and techniques of instructional supervision; theories and principles of educational supervision; the techniques of instructional supervision; the indicators of school effectiveness and teacher effectiveness; the parameters of quality and standards in education
- Use leadership skills acquired in managing leaning process in schools
- Explain the strategies and methods of effecting school improvement
- Engage in continuous professional development in school leadership
- Identify a leadership style appropriate to the school context
- Act as role model in the community
- Demonstrate equity in school leadership
- Show empathy in executing leadership roles
- Show commitment in involving parents/community in learning-teaching process
- Create mechanisms to engage teachers in continuous, collaborative and individual learning
- Make the school a lifelong learning organization
Module Facilitators:
- Prof. Eugene Ndabaga
School of Education,
Email: ndabagav@yahoo.ie
- Dr. Dan Imaniriho
School of Education,
Email: irihodan@gmail.com
Organizational Behavior in Education is a module offered to Masters students specializing in Educational Leadership and Management in the University of Rwanda - College of Education. It is indispensable for success in educational leadership which entails working with and through other people in order to achieve educational goals. This module therefore seeks to acquaint the students with the nature of organizations and ways of improving organizational performance and effectiveness especially in relation to the school organization.
In ELM6143, we try to understand how leadership improves its resources and examine the relationship between education and society. The resources include basically, Human resources, Financial resources, Physical resources even Knowledge and time. Change and resistance are social alternatives and factors to the role of education in the today modern society.