Course image GUP2362 Land and Housing
Trimester 3

The objective of this module is to enhance student’s knowledge and capabilities in handling housing development and management on one hand, and identifying institutional and operational problems and challenges in the real-life on the other hand.  Therefore, students will be equipped with skills and knowledge to develop efficient policies and strategies to address the problems related urban, peri-urban and rural land and housing in order to ensure improved shelter to people in developing countries in general and in Rwanda in particular.

Specifically, upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • explain principles of land planning use especially for urban housing,
  • describe principles of urban land market for housing,
  • describe principles of property valuation,
  • portray   origin, types and functions of human settlements and housing,
  • describe housing conditions
  • analyze housing provision and market, and 
  • explain settlement and housing policies  in Rwanda 

Structure-wise, the course is organised into two sections: the first one is dedicated to " Land" and the second one to "Housing" (see the module booklet for details). The module is delivered through lectures, set readings, self-study, report writing and (if possible) oral presentations. Students will be tasked to report individually or in group field observation to sharpen their observation, writing and communication skills. we would like to inform you that attendance in lectures, quiz and discussion session is compulsory. No student has the right to miss class except when he/she is sick. Absentees may be refused to seat for the exam as it is stipulated in the General Academic Regulations.

For more details, kindly read the module booklet,

Contacts of the module facilitators:

Prof Emmanuel Twarabamenye (module leader)

Mr. Ernest Uwayezu


Calls are accepted in working hours, whatsapp calls and messages are not welcome.


Course image GUP2361 Methods and Techniques for Urban Planning
Trimester 3

This course introduces you to urban and regional planning practices and tools. It starts from reviewing existing planning documents in Rwanda and subsequently elaborating on keys contents of urban and regional land use plans, techniques for data collection and analysis, step by the step planning process and key guiding principles in plan making.