Semester 1

This module is intended to help the BDT students to understand the general principles, terminology, diagnostic procedures, and basic concepts of pathology; to identify pathological processes at the cellular and gross anatomical level and correlate these with the clinical symptoms and signs. It also introduces the student to the detailed pathology of diseases that affect the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, gastro-intestinal, endocrine, urogenital, musculoskeletal, dermatological and haematolymphoid systems, and forensic medicine especially those with direct or indirect relationship with oral diseases or treatments.

Semester 1

Dear students 

This module introduces  you to the anatomical and morphological characteristics of human permanent and primary dentition; it also describes presentation of dental macro and micro-morphology and evidence-based chronologies of the human dentitions, while reflecting definitive shifts in modern dental practice.

The module team members are : 

Dr. Julienne Murererehe/ module leader

Mrs Eustache Ntigura 

Dr. Benedict Amhrah 

Course image DTH2152: Oral Microbiology
Semester 1

This module provides the student with knowledge of Microbiology relevant to oral health, learner  will be explain the microbiological basis of plaque, caries, periodontal diseases, and their prevention.

Course image DTH2252: Plaque Related Diseases & Nutrition
Semester 1

This module covers the healthy mouth, examination of a patient and treatment planning.

 Dental caries: definition, epidemiology, classification, carious process and detection. It will also cover the Classification, etiology and features of periodontal diseases, Pathogenesis and progression of periodontal diseases and inflammatory periodontal diseases.

The module provides the students with microbiological and patho-physiological concepts relevant to oral diseases

This module illustrates the of progression and presentation of dental diseases (Caries and Periodontal Disease)

The Continuous assessment will be the Online Quizzes, Assignments and Discussions. Final Examinations will be multiple choice question exams.