Course image Orthopaedics and traumatology
Undegraduate Programs


Hours: 10

Subtopic: Sub-topic area: Introduction orthopedics and trauma and their management  principles

Key Competency

Understand the key terms commonly used in Orthopedics and trauma; the skills and attitude needed in the management of Orthopedic conditions.

Learning Objectives

Knowledge & understanding

  • Explain terms used in orthopaedic and traumatology
  • Demonstrate understanding of the principles of orthopaedics cases
  • Explain key features of assessment of orthopedic conditions 
  • Demonstrate communication skills with the patient and peer professionals
  • Analyse the finding for decision making 
  • Demonstrate self- directed learning (constructive learning)
  • Use available resources for self learning


  • Apply assessment skills in orthopaedic and traumatology 
  • Practice acquired management skills using a case study scenario

Attitudes and Values

  • Appreciate the skills required in assessment and treatment of orthopaedic conditions.
  • Appreciate skills required to collaborate effectively.
  • Appreciate the use of problem solving and innovation in clinical setting
  • Engage collaboratively with other professionals


  1. Introduction  to orthopedics
  2. Specific assessment procedures for traumatic Orthopaedic conditions
  3. Fractures and dislocations – Causes, types, classification, clinical features (signs and symptoms), mechanism; Complications
  4. Fracture healing
  5. Principles of fracture and dislocation management

Learning Activities

  1. Describe terms commonly used in orthopedics and traumatology 

  2.  Discuss the types and causes of fractures

  3. Design an assessment procedures and analyse and decide the management principle required  in orthopedics and trauma conditions


1) Gasana Juliette

2) Muganwa Kellen

3) Dr. Muganga Raymond

Assessment activity: 

  • An online quizzes and continuous assessments will be given and learners must obtain 85 percent passmark to sit for the final exam. The final passmark is 75 percent.

  • To sit for the final exam every learn need to obtain 90 percent of the course attendance  

Supporting Reference and Open Educational Resources:

  • Johnston, P., 2000. Orthopaedics and Fractures: Ronald McRae. Churchill-Livingstone, 528 pp. 7. Magee, D.J., 2013. Orthopedic physical assessment. Elsevier Health Science

  • Maheshwari, J. and Mhaskar, A.V., 2019. Essential Orthopaedics (Including Clinical Methods). Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers Pvt. Limited. 


Facilitation Guide

This will be a joint of classroom face to face and online teaching and learning 

  • A collaborative environment between learners and facilitators in the classroom and out is considered.

  • The facilitator will prepare and share materials to actively engage learners during their learning process.

  • A group and individuals tutorials will be used during the learning process.

  • During face to face session, learners will apply their competencies while a case scenario is provided.

Course image NUS1252: Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences
Undegraduate Programs

This module explores the behavioural correlates of health and illness. It introduces you dear learner(nursing student, health Sciences student and Public Health student) to the variety of principles influencing health and illness linked to human behaviour. You will learn fundamentals in psychology, sociology, and anthropology of health.