The module introduces students to key concepts, practices and contexts related to Special Needs Education (SNE), Inclusive Education (IE), and Learner-Friendly School concept and practices (CFS) that make school community an effective learning environment for all categories of learners, especially those who are disadvantaged in mainstream education. It enhances learners’ social and physical development as well as emotional wellbeing and gender sensitiveness.
This module aims at equipping students with the content related to education including History of education and Comparative education. At the completion of this module, the student will be able to explain clearly the foundation of education in the above mentioned areas of education.
This module focuses on how ICT can enhance learning. By the end of the course, you will gain competences to design and engage in an ICT-supported learning environment as a student teacher, and as teacher. This module introduces to you new ways of thinking about teaching and learning in ICT supported learning environment. Using technology provides many opportunities to enable learning but brings with it expectations for a new role for teachers and for learners. Why is that important? Teachers need two skills beyond their subject knowledge:
1) Basic technology skills and comfort with technology tools, and
2) Pedagogical practice aligned with meaningful student-centred learning.
This module integrates these two components together and this dynamism must be reflected in the planning, conduct and validation of your learning project.
The module aims to equip second year students with advanced knowledge and skills to enhance their academic and scientific writing. The content will consist of reading skills for academic purposes, critical reading, critical thinking, plagiarism, citing and referencing, information sources, research proposal writing, and rhetorical writing.