Dear students, we wish you a warm welcome and success to this module!
The module is intended to prepare learners to work in highly specialized, technological and stressful environments. It equips learners with the expertise to make sound and rapid clinical judgements within the critical care environment and to recognize and deal with the alterations in various system functions based on appropriate scientific and advanced pathophysiology, pharmacology, microbiology, psychosociocultural sciences and ethical, legal and professional issues inherent in critical care settings.
Facilitators are:
Judith MUTYABULE Module leader
Rumagihwa Liberatha Module coordinator 0788756885
BAHATI George SANGANO 0788449998
Nankundwa Evelyne 0788528683
Dr Katende Godfrey
Violette DUSHIMIMANA 0788215863
Dr Lakshmi
Dr NSEREKO Etienne
The purpose of this module is to introduce and correlate aspects of critical care and trauma nursing unique to special populations of patients. Learners will explore needs of critically ill pediatric, obstetrical cases, elderly, or mentally ill patients to provide most effective nursing care. Learners are expected to demonstrate successful completion of PALS certification by module completion.