This module prepares the student to professionally provide care that meets the basic health needs of the individual, family, and community. This module introduces the student to the profession of nursing and how to deal with different nursing situations in an ethical manner and within limits of the law. It also provides future professional with theoretical and skills to deal with emergencies using first aid principles and guidelines. The concepts of wellness and caring are presented as they relate to the individual client needs as well as specific roles of the nurse or Clinical officer.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, the student will be able to:
- Definition of key terms of Nursing
- Identify the possible investigations and interventions required to deal with medical and surgical conditions.
- Understand and practice different nursing procedures
- Apply critical thinking in the Nursing process 5.Perform medico-surgical nursing techniques associated to various conditions
6. Apply the nursing process in the care for clients with various conditions.
7. Demonstrate empathy and respect during the nursing care
8. Be sensitive to client health needs
9. Reflect a positive image of the nursing profession
10. Be calm and responsible towards emergency situations.
11. Appreciate the need to transport a casualty safely
The ability to record an accurate and complete patient history and to examine the patient appropriately in response to the described history are the basic skills that all medical clinical officer students must acquire at an early stage of training.
"The Sense of the Adult Patient Clinical Examination" provides a valuable practical guide for medical clinical officer students when introduced to a new patient. Understanding the Adult Patient Clinical Examination", the student receives: practical tips for recording all aspects of the patient's history, including the current complaint, medical history and family history; and a detailed guide on how to perform physical exam of each body system.
aims and content
To enable the learner, perform a complete assessment of the patient by obtaining and organizing proper information from both the history taking and physical examination
Pre-requisite or requisite modules: Introduction to general anatomy and physiology, Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Fundamentals of community health, principles of biomedical sciences, Fundamental of nursing& Nursing techniques
Learning Outcomes
Cognitive/Intellectual skills/Application of Knowledge
- Definition of medical terms
- Identification of ethical issues in clinical care
- Describe the process of history taking and examination of patients
Communication/ICT/Numeracy/Analytic Techniques/Practical Skills
- Perform properly the techniques of basic Clinical History Taking
- Perform properly the techniques of basic physical examination, system by system.
- Make an organized medical record of the clinical data using the details of history taking and physical examination.
- Relate the theoretical knowledge to the clinical history and physical examination in order to build a relevant differential diagnosis
- Appreciate the importance of making a proper patient assessment, diagnosis and proposing appropriate treatment.
Indicative Content
- Common terms used in clinical assessment
- Ethical consideration in clinical examination of patients
- Process of Clinical history taking and Physical examination of patients
- Clinical history taking system by system
- Techniques of basic physical examination, system by system
Learning and teaching strategy
- Classroom discussion
- Small group discussion
- Lectures
- Role play
- Simulation
Teaching/Technical assistance
- Tutorial assistant staff
- Skills lab staff
- Video/audio
Assessment Strategy
- Individual and small group assignments
- Test
- Exam
Strategy for feedback and students support during module
Verbal and written feedback
•One -on-one discussion
•Small group discussion
•Large group discussion
• Electronic means (Group e-mail, website/e-learning)
Indicative resources/Core text:
- Making sense of clinical examination of the adult patient: a hand on guide, Model, Holdder Arnold, 2006
- Gylys, B. A. (2005). Medical Terminology Systems A Body Systems Approach. University of Toledo: F. A. Davis Company.
- Howe, M., Marks, G., & Smith, M. T. (2013). GUIDE TO HISTORY TAKING AND. Medical School University College London.
- Fishman, J. M., & Cullen, L. M. (n.d.). Histor y Tak ing in Medicine and Surger y Third Edition (Third Edit). University of Oxford.
Teaching Team