Course image CMC2253: Psychiatry

It is 10 credit module, aiming at enabling the learner to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for managing common psychiatric illnesses.

Course image CMC2251: Environmental Health Sciences

You are welcome to this module (10 credits)  which aims at enabling the learner to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitude to manage some common environmental health problems in the community. The students learn about environmental health issues related to water sources and diseases; sanitation; personal and food hygiene; housing among others. The knowledge gained will be applied during community health placement such as planning and conducting home visits and educating the community about safe environmental health procedures and management of environmental health problems in the catchment area.

Course image CMC2151 Health Measurements and Research

It is 10 credit module, aiming at empowering the students with ability to understand and design health research study using appropriate research and analytical techniques