Course image CSC1244: Computer Systems and Maintenance (Day Program)
Trimester 2

This module covers computer systems fundamentals, including components like CPU, storage, binary systems, and digital logic. It also provides hands-on training in computer maintenance, encompassing hardware/software diagnosis, BIOS management, assembly/disassembly, partitioning, and safety and ethical considerations in computer usage and maintenance.

Module facilitators' contacts

Albert NGIRUWONSANGA,Tel: 0788 471 881, E-mail:

Marie Claire UWERA, Tel: 0788 745 194, E-mail:

Course image CSC1243: Databases Management Systems and VB.Net (Day Program)
Trimester 2

Database Management Systems (DBMS) aim to efficiently organize and retrieve data. They facilitate data storage, manipulation, and retrieval while ensuring security and integrity. DBMS covers concepts like data modelling, SQL queries, normalization, database design principles and relational algebra and relational calculus. Students learn to use DBMS tools to create, manage, and optimize databases, preparing them to handle real-world data challenges in various industries.

Module facilitators' contacts

Albert NGIRUWONSANGA,Tel: 0788 471 881, E-mail:

Evariste MWUMVANEZA, Tel: 0788 630 986, E-mail:

Course image PHY1242: Properties of Matter and Thermodynamics
Trimester 2

This course will cover the topics of one trimester of Physics course. We will use a free on-line textbook, Concept Development Studies in Physics, available via UR-CE’s Connexions project.

The fundamental concepts in the course will be introduced via the Concept Development Approach developed at UR-CE. In this approach, we will develop the concepts you need to know from experimental observations and scientific reasoning rather than simply telling you the concepts and then asking you to simply memorize or apply them.

Recommended Background: The class can be taken by someone with no prior experience in physics. However, some prior familiarity with the basics of physics is desirable as we will cover some elements only briefly. For example, a prior high school physics class would be helpful.

Course image PES1242: Fundamental Skills of Athletics, Swimming and Gymnastics
Trimester 2

Welcome to the PES 1242 Module where you will discover  the fundamental skills of Swimming, Athletics and Gymnastics.In Athletics the technique of racing, throwing and jumping will be explored. The module will help students to become familiar with basic techniques of floating, propulsion, legs kicks and arms movement in Swimming. Students will be taught the history of Gymnastics and discovered Gymnastics areas as well as basic gymnastics moves. This module is divided into 3 parts as described below:Part 1: ATHLETICS, Part 2: SWIMMING and Part 3: GYMNASTICS. Enjoy all teaching materials used like Videos, Photos, Notes,...

Course image MAT1242: One Variable Real Analysis
Trimester 2

This module intends to equip students with critical thinking and problem solving skills. It introduces to students with basic concepts of real valued functions, their properties and applications.


Course image CSC1243: Data Structure And Object oriented programming with C++
Trimester 2

Dear students you are welcome to real world programming, In this module, students will learn Object Oriented Programming Concepts. They will learn how data abstraction, reusability, inheritance and modularity of code can be enhanced using C++ . Students will also implement common data structures like Arrays, Stacks, Queue, Link List, Tree, Graph in C++ Language. Facilitator: Mr Mwumvaneza Evariste CelPhone:+250788630986 Email:

                                                                                                         Dr. HABIMANA Olivier  CelPhone +250788743498  

Course image CHE1243 General Organic and Polymer Chemistry
Trimester 2

This module deals with organic compounds including hydrocarbons, oxygenated compounds, nitrogenous compounds, benzene and polymers.

Registration code

To access any content of this module, you should register to it using the code 2020.

Course image CHE1242: Mathematics for Science
Trimester 2

Welcome to this module entitled: CHE1242-Mathematics for Science. The module deals with notions of mathematics such as calculus, statistics and probability used to help students to understand some chemical notions and to solve some related problems.

Course image BIO1243: Plant Diversity, Structure and Function
Trimester 2

With this course, students will enhance their understanding pertained to the diversity that exists in plants.

They will also improve their understanding on plant anatomy as well as physiology. To achieve its learning outcomes and develop attributes of a University student, both hands on and minds on activities through critical thinking and problem solving strategies will be provided.

Further, field study will be done particularly on the part of plant diversity. 

Course image BIO1242: Fungi and Plant diversity
Trimester 2

The present module aims at equipping students with an understanding of fungi and plants characteristics both morphological and reproductive. Moreover, deep understanding of classification, nomenclature, ecology and economic importance of some plants and fungi will be enhanced.

The module covers the general concepts related to plants and fungi. In addition, principles of plants classification and of different groups of plants and fungi. Also, the strategies of teaching and learning fungi and plant diversity will be emphasized.