Course image Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programmes
Semester 1

The purpose of this course unit is to provide you tools that twill  enable you to conduct Monitoring and Evaluation ( M/E ) of Health Programmes currently in implementation in the different Health Facilities in Rwanda. Indeed, M/E  is based on data collection  and data processing that provide information needed for an « evidence-based » decision making.  

Course image Module 6 : Public Health Priority Interventions - Nutrition and Health
Semester 1

The purpose of this course is to introduce the learner the concepts of nutrition, macronutrients (and their roles and improtance), causes of malnutrition and assessment of nutrition status for research and programmatic applications.

Course image Module 3: Applied Analytic Methods : Epidemiology II
Semester 1

The purpose of this course is to introduce MPH/MSc candidates to basic epidemiology principles, concepts, and methods. The course combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, permitting students to demonstrate their competencies through both individual work and group interactions. Competencies are evaluated on students’ ability to define and identify determinants of disease, threats to internal validity and external validity, describe and use epidemiologic analytical study designs.

Course image Module 3: Applied Analytic Methods : Modeling
Semester 1

Modeling will rely on information covered in Biostatistics I and Biostatistics II. The course provides a solid foundation in modeling including multiple linear regression, Multiple binary logistic regression, Poisson regression and survival analysis.
Courses will alternate between class sessions and practice sessions. Each class session will be three hours. Students should bring computers to class with Stata installed on the computers.

Course image Module 5: Health Context
Semester 1

This course will provide students with a heightened awareness and understanding of the Environmental Health, Occupational Safety and Health, Disaster Management, Preparedness, and Planning and Community Development and Health. Each course unit in the module is presented by respective course facilitator and allowing students to learn from some field experience highly recognized in the domain.