Course image PHA3351: Natural Products and Medicines
Trimester III

This module covers the study of important medicinal plants including mushrooms as sources of natural products used as medicines. Students learn how plants synthesize their active metabolites, as well as the techniques of extraction, isolation, and identification of major metabolites.  The aim is to understand and evaluate the use of medicinal plants in the medical system. Students can address question-related to actions of natural products in the human body, the efficacy of medicinal plants, and the development of pharmaceuticals based on natural resources

Course image PHA4152: Community Pharmacy Clerkship
Trimester III


Welcome to the community pharmacy clerkship module, be aware that you don’t become a great pharmacist overnight. The journey through school and practical attachments requires a high level of commitment and hard work. this module of community pharmacy clerkship is intended to strengthen your practical ability to accomplish real-life work as a pharmacist in two main domains, that is to say, community pharmacy, magistral preparations. With your hard work and commitment, this clerkship will help in improving the care we provide and moving from GOOD to GREATER competencies! In this program, we provide a number of suggested activities to improve your performance. They are organized by the core competencies which are the fundamental domains of being a great pharmacist.

Course description

On the completion of the bachelor degree, the candidate will accomplish  8 weeks in pharmaceutical small plants and in community pharmacy. The aim is to develop and strengthen the abilities of the student to work in local pharmaceutical industry and dispensing through a series of patient-orientated practical exercises drawn from real-life pharmacy practice.