Course image CHM1364 Introduction to Physical Chemistry (Biology)
Trim III

Physical chemistry is the study of macroscopic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of the principles, practices, and concepts of physics such as motion, energy, force, time, thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, analytical dynamics and chemical equilibrium.

Course image CHM1362 Organic Chemistry
Trim III

This module aims to teach organic compounds. The bulk of the course will consist in studying the properties and chemical reactions of the main functional groups of organic compounds, in familiarizing ourselves with some important molecules in biology. 


Course image CHM1361 Physical Chemistry
Trim III

Dear Year 1 Environmental Chemistry and Year 1 Biorganic chemistry,

Welcome to the module of Physical Chemistry

The module of Physical Chemistry is composed two components, namely  Thermodynamics and Chemical kinetics.

The module aims at discussing the feasibility of chemical reaction based on energy profile, enthalpy of reaction, Gibbs free energy, rate of reaction and chemical mechanisms. Furthermore, the module introduces to students, the concept of chemical equilibrium and phase equilibrium and their applications.

Course image BIO1369 Fundamental biology
Trim III

Welcome to the course of  Fundamental biology

The course aims to introduce Cell Biology and Genetics. The structure of plant and animal cells and some processes taking place inside the cells will be introduced. Classical Genetics will be discussed and genetic interactions explained with little emphasis on molecular processes, even though key molecular processes will be introduced at the end of the course.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module, you will be able to

1.  Describe the structure and function of plant and animals’ cells and organelles

2.  Describe the processes of mitosis and meiosis

3.  Explain genetic inheritance in classical genetics terms

4. culture bacteria and observe them through microscope