Course image NUS3251: Reproductive Health
Trimester 2

The module will provide knowledge and skills on sexual health, family planning, pre-nuptial counseling, pre-conception health and adolescent health. The Rwandan context will be considered in relation to women’s rights, and gender based violence. The module also explores common gynaecologic problems and their respective management

Course image NUS3252: Pediatric Nursing
Trimester 2

The focus of this course is to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the care of children in primary, secondary and tertiary settings. The module equips learners to utilize the nursing process when examining children responses to illness, treatment and hospitalization. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship amongst nurses, parents, care givers, and children during illness and recovery, and the creation of child friendly clinics and hospitals. Emphasis is placed on common health problems occurring in Rwanda and in Sub Saharan Africa Countries.

Course image NUS3351: Tropical and Communicable Diseases
Trimester 2

Dear Students Miss CARTINE asked me questions about HIV prevention. Find attached the last guidelines made by IHDP RBC/MoH in July 2018. For any clarifications don't hesitate to communicate.