Course image TWP1261 Workshop Technology II
Trimester 2

The module aims to provide the basics of electrical engineering through mainly practice as well as theory. The main topics will be:

The module is taught by two Lecturers:

Eng. Obed Muhayimana (Electronic Workshop) 


Tel: +250788401416 


Mr. Hussein Ngwije (Electrical Workshop)


Tel: +250788356829

Course image ETE1261 Analogue Electronic Circuits II
Trimester 2

 This course of "Analog electronic circuits II" is the continuation of the course of " Analog electronic circuits I". It will mainly focus on the study of amplifiers and oscillators.  For amplifier's part students will have introduction on amplifier in general and  they will study different types of bipolar transistor amplifiers such as:

- common emitter amplifier ,common base amplifier, common collector amplifier, tuned amplifier , differential amplifier and amplifiers with feedback. 

The course will also introduce students to the study of different types of electric oscillator . Except the course notes indicated here, students can find additional materials on the following links:



Other reference :

1. Robert L.Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky; Electronic devices and circuits theory. Eleventh Edition; Pearson Education Inc; 2013.

2. Owen Bishop; Electronic circuits and systems , Fourth Edition . Published by Elsevier Ltd; 2011.

3. Thomas L. Floyd , David L. Buchla, Electronic fundamentals circuits, Devices and Applications. Eighth edition, Pearson Prentice hall, 2008. 

Each chapter corresponds to the lecture by week, it means what student supposed to study by week ( during 3 hours  of face to face). 

For any question you can contact me on : Tel (MTN):0788682109, Tigo (Whatsapp):0727812001 or by e-mail:

Course image EEE1261 Introduction to Matlab Programming
Trimester 2

In this course, students will acquire the fundamental skills to use Matlab to solve engineering problems. It deals with working with the Matlab interface, entering commands and creating variables, creating and modifying 2D and 3D graphics, working with vectors, matrices, and arrays, automating commands with scripts and writing functions.