The CLE modules are offered in semester 1 and 2. 

Course image English for Science and Technology
Semester 1 & 2

This module aims at developing students’ English language proficiency and deepening their knowledge of the language used in their specific areas of study to enable them to cope with subject contents and prepare them for their future professions. The content of this module includes crosscutting and field specific topics needed by students to improve their communicative competence and cognitive knowledge.  

Course image English for Professional Police Studies
Semester 1 & 2

This module aims at developing students’ English language proficiency and deepening their knowledge of the language used in their specific areas of study to enable them to cope with subject contents and prepare them for their future professions. The content of this module contains crosscutting topics and field specific contents needed by students to improve their communicative competence and cognitive knowledge.    

Course image English for Educators
Semester 1 & 2

Welcome message

Dear students, welcome to English for Educators (ESP2112). 

This module aims at developing your English language proficiency and deepening your knowledge of the language used in your specific areas of study to enable you to cope with subject contents and prepare you for future professions. The content of this module contains crosscutting topics and field specific contents you need to improve your communicative competence and cognitive knowledge.      

Module facilitators

1.  Mr Felix Micomyiza 0788874987 

2.  Ms Aloysie Uwizeyemariya 0788755865 

3.  Mr Vivens Hitiyaremye 0788574529  

4.  Mr Pie Mugenzi 0788830364   

5.  Dr Patrick Ujwiga Anguru 0788575500 

6.  Mr Justin Nsabimana 0788480038  

7. Mr Jean Bosco Twahirwa 0788847184 

Course image English for Medical and Healthcare Professionals
Semester 1 & 2

Introduction to the module:

 The “English for Medical and Healthcare Professionals” module aims at developing medical students’ English language proficiency and deepening their knowledge of the language used in their specific areas of study to enable them to cope with subject contents and prepare them for their future professions. This module is made of four units, namely (1) communication skills and official correspondences in health care settings, (2) the human body, patient management and functional language used in health care settings, (3), hospital departments, equipment, safety and management, (4) and ethical considerations, human rights, and health. Under each of these units, language skills will be taught in an integrative way. The content of this module contains crosscutting topics and field specific contents needed by students to improve their communicative competence and cognitive knowledge. Each lesson is organized in a way that allows learners to practice the content while learning the lesson with take home assignments and further readings.  

Course image English for Business and Economics
Semester 1 & 2


The Centre for Language Enhancement has always strived to upgrade the levels of English of students at the University of Rwanda. It has thus devised the Module of English for Specific Purposes which serves as a guide to the teaching and learning of discipline-related texts and terminologies, writing styles as well as speaking skills’ need in students’ future professions. Indeed, English for Specific Purposes prepares university students for full integration in society and at workplace. To reach its aims, the Centre for Language Enhancement has prepared activities that require students’ collaboration, engagement, critical thinking abilities, meaning making, and knowledge construction skills. Put differently, the Centre has given room to students’ voices rather than considering them as ‘tabula rasa’ in which to pour knowledge. It has attempted to promote participatory approaches according to which teaching and learning are a two-way process as both lecturers and students are seen as knowers who can learn from each other.

Course image English for Legal Practioners
Semester 1 & 2

English for specific purposes aims at equipping you with knowledge, skills and competences in English Language   through reading, speaking, listening and writing effectively in your area of specialization. Terminologies and language use in legal framework require specific attention, hence the importance of ESP in our course of study. The module covers four units 1. building legal English, 2. correspondence in legal settings, 3. systems of law and language skills, as well as 4. human rights and global issues. Each unit is subdivided into topics, and topic into lessons.


Semester 1 & 2

Dear student,

Welcome to English for Governance, Development and Society (ESP2112)


The knowledge of a language is very important in any field of study especially in the current globalized world. In this module entitled English for Governance, Development and Society, learners will be able to level up their abilities to communicate in English and their potentiality to cope with courses related to their respective domains and adapt to the world after graduation. Thus, this module comprises specific English materials for second year university students in the College of Arts and Social Sciences in the School of Governance, Development and Society. This document presents units, topics and activities that will help students cope with their respective fields of study. For this reason, various reading, listening, speaking and writing activities have been presented to engage students in different language tasks. While doing activities, students will have to learn productive skills and develop their competence in English. In a word, the document is task-oriented.

Course image English for Specific Purpose for Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
Semester 1 & 2

This module aims at developing students’ English language proficiency and deepening their knowledge of the language used in their studies of agriculture, animal sciences and veterinary medicine to enable them to cope with subject contents and prepare them for their future professions. The content of this module contains units and topics needed by students to improve their communicative competence and cognitive knowledge.  The module will be taught using the Iintegrated skills approach that engages students to do research and get opportunities to communicate effectively across all lectures.

Semester 1 & 2


Welcome to the "English for Academic Purposes", a comprehensive course designed to equip you with essential skills for success in your academic and professional lives. This program focuses on various aspects of language commonly used in academic and research settings. You will expand your academic vocabulary and enhance your ability to understand and communicate complex ideas effectively. The course covers key rhetorical functions in academic English, emphasizing their importance in developing persuasive arguments and presenting research findings. You will address the critical issue of plagiarism and explore strategies to avoid it to ensure ethical academic practices. Your will develop key language skills for the academic setting, including extracting relevant information from to presentations, lectures and discussions. You will practice reading academic materials efficiently and extract relevant information to support your academic work. The course also covers delivering academic presentations, participating in scholarly debates, and producing well-structured academic writing. You will also develop skills in incorporating ideas from other scholars in an academically acceptable manner through techniques such as quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing. By the end of this course, you will be well-prepared to navigate the demands of academic and professional environments with confidence and proficiency.


Module learning outcomes

Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to:

  • develop extensive academic vocabulary to effectively understand and communicate complex ideas in academic and research settings.
  • apply appropriate rhetorical functions in academic English to make persuasive arguments and present research findings.
  • implement strategies use to avoid plagiarism, ensuring ethical academic practices.
  • enhance language skills for academic settings, including listening comprehension for presentations, discussions, and lectures, as well as efficient reading of academic materials.
  • improve oral communication skills by delivering academic presentations and engaging in scholarly debates.
  • produce well-structured academic writing, incorporating ideas from other scholars through techniques such as quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing.

Course image English for General Purposes
Semester 1 & 2

Brief description of aims and content

This module aims at providing basic English knowledge and skills leading students to an advanced proficiency level in English. It comprises essential practices to strengthen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for their general communication purposes. The module will be taught using the Integrated Skills Approach that engages students to do research and get opportunities to communicate effectively across all lectures.