Course image Econometrics II
Trimester 2

This module first introduces Simultaneous Equations Models and other components of the module include qualitative response regression models, nonlinear regression models and introduction to time series econometrics. The computer is a fundamental tool in this module and students will be required to be familiar with the Econometric package (STATA, EViews, etc.)

Course image Migration and Spatial Mobility
Trimester 2

This module aims at deepening knowledge and understanding of methodologies for the study and application of this knowledge to the study and analysis of migration. It focuses on measuring the population flows between administrative units and acquiring a solid understanding of major theoretical approaches to migration and the application of theoretical and historical knowledge to the analysis and understanding of contemporary issues and cases in the field.

Course image Operations Research
Trimester 2

Operational Research or scientific management is a scientific approach for the resolution of the complex problems of management. It wants to be a powerful tool to the decision-maker which helps him to make his decisions in a rational and systematic way. So, the O.R is the application of the methods of science to managements of the great systems of the men, the machines and materials, money, in industry, the businesses, the government, and defense. The distinctive approach consists of developing a scientific model of the system incorporating risks with which we can predict and compare the results of the decisions, strategies in alternative control. The goal is to help the decision-maker to determine his scientific actions and policies.

To the first view, Operations research (or the operational research) is a recent technique, dating to most of World War II. And, in fact, it is well to its application to the military operations that it owes its name. But really, it is a lot older. Since the XVIIs Century, Blaise Pascal and Pierre Fermat, inventors of the notion of expectation of a random variable (1654), looked for, followed by Jacques Bernoulli, to solve problems of the decision in the uncertain situation. In the XVIIIs century, Monge Gaspard solved analytically a combinatory economic problem: one of them releases the clutch and embankments (1776) 


Course image AST3135: Advanced Economics
Trimester 2

                                         Brief description of aims and content

The primary aims of Advanced Economics are to advance students’ understanding of economics and to train students to analyze problems using neoclassical microeconomics and macroeconomics theory. Over the course of the 2nd term, students will study the functioning of markets, and learn how to apply economic principles to a variety of business and public policy issues.

In this module, students should gain a sufficient understanding of microeconomics & macroeconomic theories to understand empirical research and so give a valuable insight into topical issues. Particular reference is made to the relative importance of economics in the long run and macroeconomic policies in the open economy.

1.      Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. Micro and macroeconomic models and problems expressed in standard diagrammatic and basic mathematical terms, and be able to examine problems based on such models.
  2. The implications of different macroeconomic policies.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the main subject of the modules.
  4. Understand micro and macroeconomic content in applied economic journals.
Course image Population Policy Analysis
Trimester 2

This module aims at deepening knowledge and understanding of population policies and programs. It helps the students to review policies and programs that affect population directly or indirectly.

It focuses on the linkage of empirical findings with activities aimed at formulating specific policies, plans and programs. The module also provides a basis for understanding the implementation and evaluation of population policies and programs.